Risks and Advantages of Outsourcing Product Data Entry


Qualified data professionals are able to handle huge data with ease. That is why they encourage the companies to get their data outsourced from experts like themselves. It is much a much cheaper proposition than involving professional in-house data management and data entry personnel for the process. The companies which outsource such services have mushroomed. But every coin has two sides and this one too has both advantages and risk factors which should not be ignored.


Let us analyze the risk factors involved in outsourcing product data entry before:

  • The companies which avail such services do not have their control over the product data entry. The experts of the outsourced companies have access to the data and the data entry process.
  • The task is often outsourced to overseas entities and the companies have to face language barriers. Thus they have to ensure that they avail services from data entry service providers who can speak the language of the target audience. This will help in better communication and the barrier of language will be overcome.
  • Apart from communication Language and Cultural differences often lead to differences in meaning or intent of textual or graphical content. Very often Chinese companies face such issues while translating Chinese Ad test to English or vice versa.
  • The security of the data is another question with no solid answer because it is difficult to rely on companies which are located overseas.
  • In many cases, people doing product data entry also have access to reports of sales, refunds, and deals from the e-commerce portals they upload products too. Unethical companies have been reported to have sold such business information to competitors.

The advantages of outsourcing product data entry are as follows:

  • The companies incur lowers costs when they outsource the data entry services. Keeping a separate department to handle such services accounts to be more expensive for the companies.
  • The companies are able to focus on other spheres of work in their domain. The outsourcing of the data allows them to look into other matters which also require attention.
  • As the data entry is handled by expert services providers, the accuracy of the services is also very high. On the other hand, as the company focuses on core areas, they become more efficient.
  • Expenses are controlled because the task is being accomplished at lower operational costs.
  • In some cases choosing a good product data entry, company leads to better data safety because of usage of advanced security and data storage software and practices by those data professional that a regular company cannot afford to do.

When considering outsourcing Product Data Entry services if we keep in mind these factors it makes lives easy for us in the long run. It is human to err while choosing a data entry and data management partner. But making decisions based only of the cost factor often leads to higher chances of making mistakes. Ask the service provider tons of questions and get to know how they work. Ask them what other clients they have and then offer them some payment to see if they agree to sell the data of one of them to you? If they agree, discard them right away and find a better service provider.

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